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One Touch Women's Ministry

Steven Schetrom • Nov 28, 2022

An Introduction

by Jean Kimble, One Touch Women's Ministry Leader

Bethel Life Church has initiated a new women’s ministry, meeting in our church fellowship hall

every 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM. Everybody brings in some light refreshments to

share, since several may not get to eat dinner before the meeting. There’s usually something

substantial in addition to fruit and/or sweet things, plus coffee. After a short time of fellowship,

we begin our discussions. The meetings are “officially” over at 8:00 PM, but anyone who needs

prayer, support, encouragement, etc. is welcome to stay later and we have unabashedly done so!

In order to foster the freedom to share, it is most important to maintain an atmosphere of “safety”

for all people who attend so they can freely voice problems and issues that are weighing on their

hearts and lives, be it personal, relational, or professional. Therefore, our number one rule is

“What is said within these walls, stays within these walls.” Confidentiality is key when

discussing personal problems or situations. The coming together of praying, nurturing,

supportive, mentoring women can help move those mountains. Our church motto is “We Build

People.” One Touch Women’s Ministry’s aim is building women into the strong, confident

people we were meant to be as we seek to find and develop God’s calling on our lives.

We are currently studying/discussing the book THE RICH, THE POOR, AND THE NAKED

—Finding Peace out of Turmoil from the Lives of Twelve Biblical Women, by Jean Kimble. All

of the women in this book have experienced various circumstances in their lives that most of us

experience today in one form or another. We discuss these issues and choices, how we handle

them, what we could’ve done better, what we learned. An important take-away is that although

times and cultures have changed through the millennia, the human heart hasn’t. These women in

the Bible had to make difficult choices and face them with courage and conviction. In doing so,

they found their callings and achieved the destinies God had prepared for them. We, too, were

created and called for a special purpose. Every one of us is a one-of-a-kind; we will touch others

in ways unique only to us, and each of us has a special destiny designed by God. What would

happen if we never achieved it?

The following is an overview of our October meeting on Rahab the Harlot, found in the Old

Testament book of Joshua, chapters 2 and 6, and chapter 4 of our study book, plus some of the

questions we discussed:

“…This is a wonderful ‘testimony’ story! Testimonies are so important to those of us struggling

in our own situations, new believers juggling their old worlds and friends vs their new lives in

Christ, and for unbelievers who can see the miracles and peace in the lives of believers. This is

something we need to get used to sharing easily. I’m hoping we’ll hear some tonight!

Who remembers what their lives were like before they came to know the Lord? Have you ever

given your testimony to anyone? On more than one occasion? Privately? Before a group or

crowd? How did you feel about it?

Rahab started out life selling her body for money; she was a prostitute. But then, she found

herself in a situation where she had to make a big decision. It changed her life and it saved her

life. Most of us here in the U.S. don’t have our lives threatened by our decisions to follow Jesus

as Lord.

Do you believe accepting Jesus into your life as Lord and Savior has saved your life here on

earth? How so? Why do you believe it’s so difficult for people in our culture today to believe in

the simple fact of God’s truth and grace?

Last Sunday, Pastor Steve preached on sanctification: preparing believers for their callings so

they can fulfill the plans He has for their lives. For most of us, we aren’t ready to jump right into

our callings as soon as we’re saved. We’re ‘believers’ and ‘Children of God’, but not ‘Christ-

like’…yet. It’s a process and takes time (in my case, a very LONG time!).

Why do you think sanctification takes time? Is it hard, or relatively easy? Do you suddenly

‘arrive’, or will you ever get there? What do you think happens if you just can’t seem to meet

that goal? Would you give up or keep plodding? As the four-year-old says, ‘Are we there yet?’

Once Rahab threw in with God, she changed the way she thought and how she lived her life.

Rahab didn’t have much time for reflection on all this! She had to make a decision and act on it

immediately. Can you imagine what a powerful testimony her was??

How did y’all’s stories change once you made that leap of faith? How did your thoughts and

actions change? What do we know about Rahab that indicates she met the standard for


What hints or promptings do you believe God has or is giving you that are pointing you towards

your calling? Have you acted on any of it? What might be holding you back? Do you think you

need to take baby steps before you can leap?...”

We did indeed have fabulous discussions on these questions and many others, plus incredible

testimonies from many members! We would love to have you join us for a wonderful time of

sharing food, fellowship, fun, and lively discussions!

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We had a very successful Relaunch Service yesterday. This service was made possible by years of work by our Leadership Team and Congregation. We believe it is imperative that we continue to move forward in these efforts. The reasoning behind our relaunch effort is expressed below, in the Executive Summary of our Five-Year Strategic Plan. Bethel Assembly of God believes that worldwide events over the last couple of years warrant the establishment of a re-launch effort. The culture in which the church exists is experiencing a rapid decline, with many experiencing confusion regarding the correct posture of the church in the world. The proposed re-launch effort will help clarify the church’s position related to its members as well as the broader community. The re-launch effort will be made up of key components. These include: 1) A new Mission Statement; 2) A five year Strategic Plan; 3) The establishment of Key Measurables which will provide a Feedback Loop so that ongoing and regular adjustments can be made. These components will provide value to the organization. First, they will inform both current and prospective members about where the church has actively chosen to place its attention, resources, and focus over the next five years. Second, they will allow for new members to more readily see how they can contribute to the church’s mission, as focus areas will be highlighted continuously. Finally, they will allow decision-makers to more easily evaluate the viability of all ministry ideas that come before them. If a proposed idea doesn’t pass inspection when evaluated against the Strategic Plan, it will need to be dismissed, at least in the near term. The commencement of the re-launch effort is immensely important to the long-term viability of Bethel Assembly of God. This ongoing effort will force the organization, in a positive way, to become a more lean and well-run organization, and will lead to long-term health and vitality. To see our complete Five-Year Strategic Plan, please visit here . Please consider joining our congregation, to work together with us to impact our community, nation, and world. Blessings to you and yours!
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Our church wants to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! As we come to the end of 2022, I am very proud to report one of our best years at Bethel Life Church. Here are some of the projects we have completed during the final months of this year: - Adopted four children for Christmas. Our Helping Hands Ministry donated $633.94 in Christmas gifts to these children, in hopes they will experience the joy of Christmas this year. - Delivered 46 shoeboxes to needy children through Operation Christmas Child. - Donated $3,000 to help repair a roof for a church in South Africa. - Established a non-profit, called Bethel Life Solutions, Inc., so that we can do more to help our community in 2023 and the years ahead. See photos attached. These are just some of the recent projects we have completed. We have plans for much more in 2023. If possible, would you help us out by going to the following link, so that we can finish the year strong, and be prepared to complete important projects in 2023: Donations can also be mailed to the church at: 111 Totten Lane, Front Royal, VA 22630. **UPDATE: Some have already given through our online giving page. THANK YOU for your generosity! Your gift will help us reach important goals for 2023! PLEASE NOTE: Our Christmas Service this-coming Sunday will be virtual-only. Please check out our virtual Christmas Service on Facebook @bethelassemblyfrontroyal, and on our YouTube channel at Bethellife Church.
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We host a Breakfast, Book, and Bible Club meeting in our church Fellowship Hall every Wednesday morning at 9am. We try to limit the meeting to one hour in length. The food is great at these meetings, and the discussions make attendance worthwhile. Everyone is invited to attend. We would love to see you at our next meeting! Currently, we are discussing a book called " Signs ," by Dr. David Jeremiah. This past Wednesday, the focus was on Chapter 6 of the book, which highlights materialism as a cultural sign at the end of the age. One key verse pinpointed in the chapter was Matthew 6:21 , where Jesus says that "where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." The word choice used by Jesus is very interesting here. Notice he does not say that you should set your heart on something, and that your treasure will follow your heart. Instead, he insists that our actions can be used to indicate our treasure , and that our heart will naturally follow our actions. This idea is more thoroughly discussed within an article called " The Fatal Failures of Religion: #4 Materialism ," where the author says "(t)he first principle undergirding the precept just put forth is found in verse 21: 'For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.' Generally we are inclined to think just the reverse of this. We suppose that a man will first fix his heart on something and then his money naturally follows. But our Lord says that our heart follows our pocketbook. If I were to buy an old broken down car it would not at that point be a great object of my affection. But after I had spent countless hours in restoring it, not to mention a good deal of money, it would be the ‘apple of my eye.’ Where we spend our money, where we appropriate our material goods and our personal time, is where our heart will be. I might go so far as to apply this principle to marriage. To the extent that we invest heavily, both in time and money, we will find our affections more and more developed and committed." So, what is the lesson for us in this? If your heart has just not been right recently, try taking correct actions and allowing your heart to follow the lead of your actions. This will require discipline on your part, but just may help you get back on track. Please leave comments, and let us know your thoughts. #bethellife #webuildpeople
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